Sunday, November 30, 2014

Second Look Sunday: A Positively Petaluma Weeks In Review

Were you too busy preparing for Thanksgiving and shopping to catch all the cool things going on in Petaluma in that last few weeks?

There are lots of great things going on in #Petaluma, you just have to dig for them.Positively Petaluma searches for and collects the positive information about our great city in one place: The Petaluma Magazine. The Second Look is a reflection of some of the posts from the previous weeks.

1000’s are enjoying their free subscription with thousands of positive articles including these most recent posts from previous weeks:
Other posts can be found on Thanks also for “Like”ing us onFacebook and following us on Twitter.

Thanks in advance for following, recommending and sharing this blog.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Did You Know #Petaluma Has a Famous Military Comic, Maximilian Uriarte?

Photo from Military Times, Courtesy of Maximilian Uriarte

Maximilian Uriarte was recently featured in an article by Saul Elbein in the Men’s Journal “ The Marine Corp’s Graphic Novel Hero”. His creation ‘ Terminal Lance’ has become a (an adult-audience) comic book hero and a Marine Corps institution.

Terminal Lance is a slang term for a Marine who won’t advance beyond the lowest rank of lance corporal. When Max served his two tours in Iraq in the Marine Infantry, he was expecting action and firefights. However he found just the opposite. It was mostly trying to overcome the boredom. So he leveraged this into a satirical comic of US Marine Corp life that he would launch in 2010 while on base in Hawaii.

Click here to learn more about Max and how his comic started and his wildly successful Kickstarter campaign.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Want to see 11 Miles of the Petaluma River in a canoe in just 4+ Minutes?

The Petaluma River is not only a popular water way for sports and fun, it also shaped our city’s history and heritage. This week I found some interesting information about our River I thought was worth sharing. Jaringan Tokek recently blogged on our river in an article called Petaluma River – Petaluma River California on Friday, October 24, 2014 which covers the habitat, ecology and history of our river. Petaluma also has a non-profit organization called the Friends of the Petaluma River whose goal is to celebrate and conserve the Petaluma River, its wetlands, and wildlife. They support education and activities around our river and created several annual events around our river including the Petaluma Watershed Celebration, Petaluma River Clean-Up, Winter Fandango Gala, River Heritage Days, and let’s not forget the popular Rivertown Revival.

We have never canoe’d down the Petaluma River before, and also do not have a patients to watch a video more than 5 minutes of someone else doing it. David Bell posted a video of him canoeing down the Petaluma River over a stretch of 11 miles in time elapse in just 4 minutes. Notice something you want to see? Hit the pause button. This makes for a cool short tour down the Petaluma River.

Click here to see the video and a recently released video produced by the North Bay Rowing Club.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

There are lots of great things going on in #Petaluma, you just have to dig for them. Positively Petaluma searches for and collects the positive information about our great city in one place: The Petaluma Magazine. The Second Look will be a reflection of some of the posts from the previous weeks.

1000’s are enjoying their free subscription with thousands of positive articles including these most recent posts from previous weeks:
NCS Cross-Country Team Championship: Casa Grande Takes Title
Best Dive Bar in Petaluma: Ernie’s Tin Bar
2 Senior Ladies Save 87 y.o. Wheelchair Bound Woman from Fire
Petaluma Student Newscast Expanding Thank To Grant
Virtual Tour of Petaluma’s Charms
The Best Video Compilation of the #Petaluma Little League World Series
Bring A Taste Of The South to Thanksgiving: Topsy Kitchen
Marin Sun Farms Moving 35 Jobs to Petaluma
Petaluma Woman Wins Title of World Dessert Champion
Thanksgiving Made Easy with Della Fattoria Custom Orders
‘Super Seven’ Commit Together
SolarWorld Walks the Walk, Enlists American Partner Enphase For Panel Parts
Off The Rails; Sonoma County’s Repurposed Train Cars
City Helps COTS Expand
#Petaluma Veteran’s Day Parade: Schedule, Highlights, History & Video

Other posts can be found on our home page. Thanks also for "Like"ing us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.

Thanks for following, recommending and sharing this website.

The Best Video Compilation Of #Petaluma Little League World Series

We often run into Petaluma Little League World Series videos. Over the last year we noticed that a great many of the videos covering our hometown team are very bad in quality. We compiled what we think are the best quality videos available on the internet and put them right here in one place. Our Petaluma National team was the first to ever be in a Little League World series according to Little Leagues article Petaluma (Calif.) National Little League Earns First Berth in Little League Baseball World Series as West Region Champions.

Click here to learn more and see our best compilation of videos covering Petaluma Nationals - California West 2012 World Series Little League Team.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2 Elderly Ladies Save 87 y.o. Wheelchair Bound Woman From Fire

Yesterday evening YouTube Channel published this video and related article“Fire causes extensive damage to Petaluma home [on Melvin Street] w/video”
Photo by Scott Manchester/Argus-Courier Staff

Click here to see the video #Petaluma Fire Department Battalion Chief tells what happened.

In the article one of the victims said, “We all fell to the floor trying to move her, but we did it,” who added that they were surprised at how fast the fire started.

Fortunately the Fire Dept. was just a few blocks away when the fire started and were there almost immediately, and all parties were not hurt. Unfortunately the house has major damage.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Breaking News: #Petaluma #1 Most Caring Small City in America

According to the Movoto Blog written by Natalie Grigson:

Everybody knows that tiny towns are filled with some of the friendliest, most welcoming, and all around caring people in the whole entire world—most of whom wear bow ties, crisp suits, or long bell-shaped skirts, and hand out cookies to children in between their charity work and cancer research. C’mon, we’ve seen the movies.

But what about those places between 50,000 and 60,000 residents? Are they just as caring, you ask? Well at the Movoto Real Estate Blog the same questioning has been plaguing us, so we decided to put an end to our sleepless nights (and yours too), and create a list of the 10 most caring small cities in the U.S.

Here they are, starting with our winner and all around most caring place, Petaluma, California:

1. City of Petaluma, CA
2. City of Marietta, GA
3. Town of Chapel Hill, NC
4. City of Georgetown, TX
5. City of Charleston, WV
6. Village of Hempstead, NY
7. City of Harrisonburg, VA
8. City of Bradenton, FL
9. City of Oak Park, IL
10. City of San Rafael, CA

Click here to learn more about how they determined this and what sources they used. Also there is a gallery of the top 10 as well as a score sheet on how they factored Petaluma to be on top 10.

New York Life Acquires #Petaluma Land - Cader Commerce Center

On October 31, 2014 The Registry reported New York Life Acquires Land for Industrial Development in Petaluma on October 31, 2014 by the publisher in Commercial, Finance, INDUSTRY news. Yesterday North Bay Business Journal reports Petaluma industrial buildings planned By Jeff Quakenbush, Business Journal Staff Reporter.

The Registry indicates that New York Life Real Estate Investors has paid around $6 million to acquire 20 acres of land for development.

Click here for more information including a map where the Cader Commerce Center will be located.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Documentary On #Petaluma COTS Program by N.G. Parker

This documentary film was very well done on Committee On The Shelterless (COTS) in Petaluma.

#Petaluma Jewish Community Celebrates 150 Years Creates New History Documentary Video

Positively Petaluma recently reported on the 150 year history celebration for our city's Jewish Community. This morning Director and Producer Mac Weinstock released a new documentary video that has narration and interviews.

During our famed "Egg Basket of the World" in 30's and 40s thousands of chicken farmers were jewish farming families. More came from Russia after WWI in postwar years. The Petaluma Jewish Community Center was dedicated on 740 Western Ave near the downtown in 1925.

Click here to see the documentary video and a short video of Petaluma history and chicken farming as well as Scott Gerber video the Yiddish Cowboy.